Friday, January 26, 2007

Time to catch up...

Hello there! Long time since I posted, but my spare time has been limited. So, sit back and enjoy this post. It covers almost a month, and plenty has happened!

First, poor Sam was so ill that he had to delay his official 7th birthday party. So, we had a small one once he was feeling perky again.

On a sadder note, January 3rd brought Bill's first anniversary of his death. In order to bring some closure, I took off our wedding rings and made a visit to our local jeweler to have a piece of custom jewelry made. A very kind young man took the time to sit down with me to design a necklace that would take both of our wedding bands and turn them into hearts without disturbing the inscriptions inside of the rings. He also took the diamond out of my engagement ring and placed it in the center as a token of our everlasting love and commitment.

Our little baby Will is turning into a toddler, and not far from turning into the "terrible two's." He is certainly his own person, and won't take any guff. He's too smart for his own good, and you can see that in this picture. Mom and I are trying to get him pick up his toys after playing, so you can see how he plays and picks up at the same time!

As most of you know, I haven't been working since last March. Well, the honeymoon is over, and I just spent the last ten days in Dallas training for my new job. I will be going back to my former career in customer service and sales in office supplies. The best part is that I am only working part-time (8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) five days a week, and I am working out of my home office. Yes, I spent the last two mornings working in my jammies! I have my own toll-free number, copier, fax machine, and all expenses paid. Sound too good to be true, huh? Well, my co-work, Kathryn (yes, this will be confusing!) taught me the ropes. She and I got along like two peas in a pod, so the transition should be easier to handle. The best part of the job training allowed me to visit my brother and his family. Here is a picture of Kathryn, age 11, and me at one of the many restaurants we visited during my stay, and one of her during a soccer practice.

P.S. I failed to mention that during my stay in the Dallas area they experienced their coldest weather in years, and to top it off, SNOW!!!!!! They even had to cancel school--something that is very rare indeed! When I was introduced to family friends and mentioned I was from Maine, they told me "Yankee, go home."